Monday, May 26, 2014

9 Months Down!

Lots of lizard friends in Houston!
Kind of a sad title for the email. I don't want to count it, but you get asked about it every day so it's impossible not to! Definitely mixed emotions with that because I am realizing how short the time we have right now really is. But I am doing all I can to use it wisely! I was sitting on my bed this morning looking back at some pictures and just had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the experiences that the Lord is blessing me with. 9 months ago I was a completely different person, and I am happy that I can say I am changing for the better. I know that I am coming closer to the Lord and that my relationship with Him is continuing to grow stronger. I mean it has to, He's the one I have to rely on right now, the only one that will stay constant and always always be there. If I ever need support, all I have to do is fall to my knees and begin praying. How amazing is that? It is available to us whenever and wherever we need it. I am so excited to see what the Lord has left for me to experience in these next 9 months! There is lots of work to do!

This week we had Zone Conference, which is always incredible! The messages are somehow always exactly what we need to hear. One of the main topics was Where do you stand? We were given examples from the scriptures of those who chose to please men and those who chose to please God. How much better it is when we choose to think "I care what God thinks" rather than worrying about what men think. We are so much happier! We are free from the devastating and judgmental views of men and are uplifted in knowing that the Lord's view of us will always be positive, one with an incredible potential. I know that is something that I have been trying to be better at, putting aside the natural man and truly consecrating myself to the Lord and His will. He is the one that knows my heart, my desires, and the efforts that I am making regardless of what it may appear to be for others. At the end of the day we should be able to look at ourselves and be proud of our efforts because the Lord is pleased with them, not because it is something to be recognized by the world. So I was very grateful for all that we learned and for President's inspired messages. Hermana Baxter and I also had the opportunity to perform "If You Could Hie to Kolob" for Zone Conference and also in church yesterday. So that was fun. It makes me happy to be able to play the piano again, even though we don't have that much time to do it. I love music and the Spirit that it can bring!! 
Something great that we got to do this the Houston National Cemetery is in our area and they had a Memorial Day Ceremony. We were able to go and it was really cool. They had groups of Veterans and others walk and be recognized and there were American Flags on every single grave. It was so cool to see! It is really big and there are so many graves. We didn't stay for the whole thing, but it was a good experience to be there and just remember those who have fought for us to still be here today. I am so grateful for that! 
So it has been a good week, and this one will be too. Tomorrow we get to go to the temple! On my halfway day. What a great thing to do! I'm so excited! I love the temple!! I hope all is well with all of you and that you have a stellar week! You are all the best!!! LOVE YOU!!!

Hermana Hoj

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